The Best Diamond Jewelry Cleaner for Your Prized Possessions All Entries

The twinkle of a diamond will fade over time if you don't take proper care of it. Diamonds are natural magnets for oil and dirt. While these contaminants won't penetrate the surface, they can dull the sparkle and dim the luster of your prized jewelry. When it comes to finding the best diamond jewelry cleaner, you can be the best cleaner on the market.
Cleaning Tips
You have to be careful when cleaning a diamond so you don't damage the surface or loosen the setting. In order to keep your diamonds looking their best, the following are some tips we recommend you diligently adhere to.
1. Clean your diamond once or twice per week. Start by soaking it in lukewarm water coupled with a few drops of mild dish soap such as Dawn. Allow the diamond to sit within the solution for 5-10 minutes before removing it.
2. Once you remove your diamond from the solution, use a toothbrush to gently brush away dirt and oil. Be careful not to apply too much pressure as this can loosen the setting and cause the diamond to fall out. Also, make sure you use a new toothbrush that you dedicate solely for cleaning your diamond jewelry.
3. Dry your diamond using a soft, lint-free cloth. The same type of cloth you use to clean your glasses will work just fine. Gently pat your diamond jewelry dry before putting it back into your jewelry box or onto your finger.
Things You Don't Want to Try at Home
When cleaning your diamond jewelry, don't use heavy a heavy degreaser, bleach, scouring powders, etc. These can damage both the stones and any of the alloys in the ring. Moreover, be careful if you are considering using an ultrasonic cleaner. These can damage diamonds, especially those that have been treated with fracture fillings. Finally, avoid over handling your diamond jewelry. The more you handle them, the easier it is for oil and dirt to attach to the surface.
We invite you to contact Ralph Mueller & Associates at 480-949-9299 to learn more about cleaning your diamonds so that you can become the best diamond jewelry cleaner in Arizona. We will be happy to answer your questions related to your specific stones and pieces so that you can customize your cleaning treatments to achieve the best results.